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Hi There

Shrikant Yadav

React JS DeveloperMern Stack DeveloperNode JS DeveloperTechnical TrainerBloggerYoutuber

Passionate about creating engaging content and building robust web solutions using React JS, Next JS, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, and HTML..

More About Me

Who Am I?

Welcome! I'm Shrikant Yadav, a passionate software developer and technical trainer from Narmadapuram. Specializing in React JS, Next JS, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, and HTML, my mission is to empower others through technology.

My blog, "React To Next“ (RTN), offers valuable tutorials and insights, helping developers elevate their skills. I'm also dedicated to creating innovative products that solve real-world problems and sharing this knowledge with students to foster their growth in tech.

I have expanded my expertise into digital marketing and SEO, transforming my passion into a thriving enterprise. Through hard work and a vision for the future, I've created a platform that not only showcases my skills but also inspires others to pursue their dreams with relentless dedication. Join me on this journey, and let's achieve greatness together.


What I Can Do For You?

Web Development

Building and maintaining websites and web applications using programming languages like React JS, Next JS, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS and More.

Web Design

Crafting the visual and interactive aspects of websites, focusing on user experience and interface design.

Mobile App Development

Creating applications for smartphones and tablets, typically using language like React native.

Technical Trainer

Educating and mentoring individuals or groups in technical subjects like React JS, MERN Stack, Node JS and Express JS development practices.

My Skills

What Do I Know?

Here are some of the technologies that are part of my current stack:

React JS
React JS
Node JS
Node JS
Express JS
Express JS
Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS
Material UI
Material UI

My Work

Projects, Libraries, Sample Work

Time Counts
React JS, Material UI, DnD
It's a volunteer management system.
React JS
Worked on the coversion of patient portal in React js.
Carbon Zero
React JS, MUI, TypeScript
Helping other in reducing the carbon emission.
Starter Template
React JS
Created a extened library to fullfil basic React Auth needs.
React Auth Template
React JS, Auth Components
Created a extened library to fullfil basic UI needs.
React Starter V2
React JS
Created a extened library to fullfil basic React needs.

Recent Blog Posts

Explore Insights

From frontend design tips in React JS to comprehensive Next JS guides, explore these articles to elevate your development skills and knowledge.

Youtube Recent Videos

From my Channel 'React To Next'

Here you will get the videos like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, Next JS and more.

Get in Touch

Let's connect and discuss

Interested in collaborating? Let's schedule a time to chat – I'll bring the coffee, and together we'll create something amazing!

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